Professional Involvement

At Delta Gamma, we strive to live out Drake University's Mission Statement in all aspects of our Drake careers. Our sisters are involved in many campus activities and a lot of our sisters choose to study abroad. We are also dedicated to developing our careers and future professions. When a woman joins Delta Gamma, she is joining an international network of dedicated and focused women who want to make a positive impact on our world. Many members have made great connections through Delta Gamma and have found great internship opportunities and career advice. 

Here are just a few places our members have interned at:

ABC News, Allstate Insurance, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Cancer Society, Apple, Better Homes and Gardens, Big Brothers Big Sisters, CBS News, Cedar Rapids Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, College Crush, Coopera Consulting, Dahl’s Pharmacy, Denman and Company, Des Moines Buccaneers, Des Moines Public Library, Des Moines Wine Festival Foundation, Drake CPBA Intern, Drake Office of Marketing and Communications, DuPont Pioneer, Ernst & Young, euroSEARCH PR (Vienna, Austria), Federal Home Loan Bank Des Moines, Girl Scouts of Great Iowa, Gulf Oil LP, Homestead, Hubbell Realty, Hy-Vee Pharmacy, International Visitors Council of Detroit, Iowa Department of Education, John Deere Financial, KCCI 8 News (Des Moines), Kemin Industries, KPMG Accounting Firm, Luke Society (Kasei,Ghana), Merchants Bonding Company, Mercy Medical Center, Meredith Corporation, Metro Arts Alliance, Metro Kids West Learning Center, Nationwide Insurance, Northwest Community Television, NuCara Pharmacy, Organization of American States, Pet Project Midwest, Pineapple Reputation Management, Pink Fine Stationary, Price Waterhouse Cooper, Principal Foundation, Revenew Marketing Network, RSH Law, Sammons Financial Group, Service Learning and Social Justice Intern at Drake, Student Health 101, Telegraph-Herald Newspaper (Dubuque, IA), TMG Financial Services, Transamerica Corporation, U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy, Vermeer Corporation, Wellness Council of Iowa, Wells Fargo, Wesley Acres Retirement Home, Yahoo! Sports, Youth for Understanding USA

Delta Gamma Member Class 2022 White Coat Ceremony for the pharmacy school.