Chapter History

Alpha Lambda chapter of Delta Gamma started as a local sorority called Iota Alpha Omega. They were 9 women strong when they were founded in February of 1906. Up until 1920 Drake didn’t allow local fraternities/ sororities to affiliate with national organizations. When Drake abandoned this rule, a DG alumnae group in Des Moines began looking at starting a collegiate chapter immediately (along with other alumnae groups). In the summer of 1920, representatives from Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Kappa Theta, and Delta Gamma all met in Chicago, and agreed that they would be a package deal. It was all or nothing; Drake would either allow all of them to be on campus or none of them. The following year in March of 1921, the Des Moines alumnae group received a letter from executive offices stating: “Drake petition granted; congratulations to all.”

Throughout our history, Alpha Lambda has played an active role in Drake University's FSL community. During the fall semester 2019, we raised over $1,780 during our philanthropy week benefitting the Delta Gamma Foundation and Service for Sight. Plus, we earned a 3.49 cumulative GPA, earning us the second highest GPA out of all the chapters on campus, all five sorority chapters averaged a 3.39 GPA. We are so proud of all of our sisters and the entire FSL community for working so hard this semester!  


We are so proud of all our chapter has done and are continually challenging ourselves to move forward into our future and striving to "Do Good!"